Monday, September 19, 2011

First day of Class

Today was my first day of class at St. Pat’s college, all morning long I literally was saying the scene from Finding Nemo where Nemo is ready for school and he is waking his dad up. Anyway, Alicia (my roomie) and I arrived to school early to find our classroom Barry Hall; we found it after asking for directions from one of the professors. It was an okay start until it got to be about 11 o’clock and people just started pouring in; it was like wow what’s going on there was about 70 students in the classroom or lecture hall. It was a complete different feeling that I didn’t like at all because of the small classroom sizes and that is one of the reasons I went to carlow because I didn’t want to feel like i was a nobody or a number and I feel like it is going to be exactly like that. But when I got the reading list I looked down at it and I was like I already took this class, I felt so dumb that I didn’t notice it before I approved with my advisor good thing we have a week to window shop. So, after class I had to go off and find a new class at a different time the only good thing is that now I still have a three day weekend. 

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